NBC News: IPS Donation Stations in Carlsbad

NBC News: IPS Donation Stations in Carlsbad

Learn how Carlsbad resident Carlton Lund’s mission to spread kindness resulted in the city installing two IPS Smart Meter Donation Stations on its busiest boulevard—and how his labor of love has already helped install a dozen Smart Meters across North County and in...

St. John’s: We need fixes, not fines

St. John’s: We need fixes, not fines

The City of St. John's says people who park at damaged parking meters for more than two hours will soon be ticketed. - Joe Gibbons I heard and read on several news outlets this morning about St. John’s city council’s decision to ticket people who park at broken...

City considers smart meters

City considers smart meters

The Richmond City Commission heard from ISP Group Thursday, during a special called meeting at city hall, on the prospect of installing parking meters downtown. However, the meters presented were not the antiquated versions from yesteryear that left those without...

Meters replaced in Bridgeport after backlash

Meters replaced in Bridgeport after backlash

Downtown Bridgeport received new parking meters Friday to replace the old photo-enforced meters. The change comes after the public claimed the old meters were too invasive with their cameras and tickets by mail. Some residents say the old devices were too complicated...

Could Wichita be a better city for parking?

Could Wichita be a better city for parking?

If Wichita charged more, and more intelligently, for parking, the city could be a better place, according to a national expert who will be speaking here Tuesday. “We force the private development market to build housing units for our cars, but not for our people,”...

IPI People’s Choice Award 2nd Consecutive Year

IPI People’s Choice Award 2nd Consecutive Year

2018 IPI Conference & Expo, June 3-6, Orlando, Fla., is the world’s largest educational and networking event for parking and transportation professionals.  Each year, attendees gather to learn about the latest innovations in parking and network with industry...

In defense of on-street parking

In defense of on-street parking

By David Feehan The media are full of stories of cities removing on-street parking spaces to create bike lanes. Let me state at the outset that I am all in favor of bike-riding, though I don’t count myself among bike riders. I am also aware of and support efforts to...

IPS featured in Parking Professional

IPS featured in Parking Professional

IPS Group was featured on the the cover of Parking Professional May 2018. Inside you can find an article on how to work smarter rather then harder. Original article: CIO Applications Magazine - Page 30.

City testing new parking meters with app payments

City testing new parking meters with app payments

Rochester, N.Y. (WHAM) - New parking meters in Rochester have been installed in spots around the city to test app payments. The new meters are set up with their own app to allow payment via smart phone. Two different companies are responsible for the new meters. The...

Hoboken kicks off initiative to tackle homelessness

Hoboken kicks off initiative to tackle homelessness

Hoboken on Wednesday unveiled an initiative months in the making that the city's mayor, Ravi Bhalla, said will address the problem of rising numbers of homeless people in Hoboken and countywide. The program is one that Bhalla told The Jersey Journal will be meaningful...

La Mesa goes high-tech with new parking meters downtown

La Mesa goes high-tech with new parking meters downtown

The La Mesa Village has new streets, new sidewalks, new lighting and new landscaping thanks to the nearly $6 million Downtown Streetscape Improvement Project. Now the area has new smartphone-friendly parking meters that will allow people to add time while shopping or...

West Palm Beach meters will help homeless

West Palm Beach meters will help homeless

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - A new program in downtown West Palm Beach is helping the homeless, and it has to do with how much time you put on the meter. The West Palm Beach City Commission gave unanimous approval to establish a program that transfers unused parking...

Smarter Parking With AR Technology

Smarter Parking With AR Technology

Traffic wardens are often not well-liked, but their work is necessary to keep roads and streets clear. Technology company IPS Group is attempting to use augmented reality (AR) technology to make parking operations easier. The technology presented by IPS Group uses AR...

Qualcomm Announces Smart Cities Accelerator Program

Qualcomm Announces Smart Cities Accelerator Program

Qualcomm will provide ‘matchmaking’ for governments, municipalities, and enterprises with hardware, software, cloud, design, and manufacturing providers under its new Smart Cities Accelerator Program.

Editorial: Meter mess

Editorial: Meter mess

A broken parking meter in St. John’s, March 2017. — Telegram file photo Hell hath no fury like the driver who doesn’t feel they deserve a parking ticket. Parking enforcement officers can tell you that straight up. And if those officers weren’t convinced of that...

Time’s up for Princeton parking meters

Time’s up for Princeton parking meters

Mark down Monday, November 5, as the much anticipated replacement day for parking meters in Princeton. The thinking behind the new meters has been explained at numerous town council meetings, in one highly detailed parking study, in a Saturday morning presentation at...

City officials ask council to OK big parking changes

City officials ask council to OK big parking changes

A parking study conducted as part of the Athens Comprehensive Plan revision process has led city officials to ask City Council members to change city code and invest more than $400,000 in high-tech parking meters to help address concerns related to uptown parking. The...

Test Meters installed in Historic Downtown

Test Meters installed in Historic Downtown

Loveland, Ohio – City Manager Dave Kennedy is awaiting approval from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) before installing 39 test parking meters in Historic Downtown. The property where 26 of the meters are to be located is street parking along Railroad...

Parking meters run out in Brattleboro

Parking meters run out in Brattleboro

BRATTLEBORO — New, more technologically friendly parking meters are coming to the downtown area early next year — making payment for parking possible via phone apps and credit/debit cards as well as coins. Select Board members approved the approximately $275,000...

Monthly parking meter revenue almost doubles since 2015

Monthly parking meter revenue almost doubles since 2015

Since paid parking hit the downtown Square, parking meters have brought in about 40 percent more revenue than during the first year the meters were put in around the Square. In May, meters took in $91,913 compared to $64,931 in May 2015. The average monthly income for...