Traffic wardens are often not well-liked, but their work is necessary to keep roads and streets clear. Technology company IPS Group is attempting to use augmented reality (AR) technology to make parking operations easier.

The technology presented by IPS Group uses AR smartglasses or a mobile device to show AR-enhanced images that allow enforcement officers to see at a glance the parking situation on a given city block.

Smarter Parking With AR Technology

The AR images show a city block with AR overlays of parking meters, highlighting expired meters, or those that have technical faults or showing how much a meter has gathered that day. An officer could also get vehicle history or owner information by viewing a licence plate, potentially flagging up information such as if the vehicle is registered as stolen.

“Augmented reality has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach parking,” says David King, CEO, IPS Group. “In keeping with our long history of innovation, IPS is proud to be the first in the industry to present this proof of concept and demonstrate the capabilities of data intelligence paired with state-of-the-art technology.”

The system would include parking data stored securely in the cloud using a back-end system such as IPS Data Management System that can collect data from integrated parking devices. The AR technology builds on work done by IPS in collaboration with Honda Developer Studio and Visa, which introduced an end-to-end in-vehicle payment solution for paying parking charges, removing the need for drivers to find a payment meter.

“We are excited to continue the tradition of showing what’s possible for the future of parking by exhibiting at IPI.” says Chad Randall, Chief Operating Officer, IPS Group. “Our Fully-Integrated Parking Management Suite represents an end-to-end solution that promotes compliance, ease of use and data analytics to efficiently manage the entire parking program, and is built to be both flexible and capable for the future goals of any Smart City.”

For future coverage of AR technology in industry, keep checking back with VRFocus.

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