Going Above and Beyond: IPS Group Brings More Focus to Digital Mobility Solutions
IPS Group welcomes new team members to drive its digital expansion and enhance customer engagement in the rapidly evolving parking and mobility landscape. San Diego, CA, June 4, 2024 — IPS Group is expanding its digital offerings and service capabilities to go...
IPS to showcase new Digital Payment feature enhancements at IPMI
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  IPS Group Showcases Expanded Digital Payments Portfolio at IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference Digital payment technologies increase convenience and choice for customers, optimize mobility programs for municipalities and universities, and...
Join IPS at IPMI and see the advantages of the Fully Integrated Smart Parking Ecosystem
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  IPS Group Demonstrates Advantages of Fully Integrated Smart Parking Ecosystem at IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference End-to-end technology portfolio delivers enhanced user experience, boosts process efficiencies and performance...
Join IPS at IPMI In Booth #237 to see New Stereoscopic Vehicle Detection Sensors In Action
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  IPS Group Introduces High-Precision Stereoscopic Vehicle Detection Sensors that Enhance Intelligent Parking Operations IPS sensors integrate with IPS Single-Space Smart Parking Meters to generate turnover, increase revenue, enable complex rate...